Every Monday, containers-carry ships of the Romanian Company MAINROMLINE will arrive in the Port Svishtov. Containers from China and the Countries from the Far East will be supplied on competitive prices through the Rumanian mega port Constanta to the port Svishtov.The extra profitable Prices are formed thanks the geographical Location of the Port: The Town is situated on the most southern Point of the Danube River and provide the shortest land connection to Sofia, Central and South Bulgaria. In the Ports area is situated the district custom, which vouched shorten time for the processing and clearance of cargoes. The Proprieties of the new container service are as follow: -The faster delivery to the end client after the container arrive at the Port (Svishtov-Sofia is 220 km. Thessoluniki-Sofia is 400 km) - Shorter term for custom clearance in Custom Svishtov in comparison to the clearance at a “big Custom” (The district custom is situated next to the administrative building of the Port, which enabled a reduction of the time limits for the containers processing) . The rail ways, which are straight directly under the cranes, ensure the three – modality work variety: “ship – truck – railway". - Far lower prices for processing pro container, due the differences of the port taxes in Thessaloniki and Svishtov. - The Containers-carry ships of the Mainromline will arrive every Monday in the Port and will leave it every Tuesday. The new service will be available for all container terminals in Port Constanta: SOCEP, UMEX, CSCT, APM and also for all Shipp Lines. The Containers will be transported with barge from the container terminals in Constanta to the terminal in Svistov, where will be unshipped, kept in the container storages and submitted for a customs clearance. The Transport Svishtov – Sofia – Svishtov will be organized with loading trucks in accordance with all standard requirements for truck transportation, including good insurance for the time of the transportation.The returned containers will be kept in the Container Terminal Svishtov until their freighting to the next barge for Constanta. |